The ONOC Secretariat leads in the implementation and monitoring of all decisions and activities approved by the ONOC Executive Board and the ONOC General Assembly.
In recognising the importance of good governance translating to operations and appreciating the economic and capacity variances that occur throughout its family of NOCs, the Secretariat establishes the standards, provides guidance and demand-based measures of direct support in the areas of Governance, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Technology, Events Management, Marketing, Administration and Travel, Establishing NOC Commissions, and Communications.
This is guided by the ONOC Strategic Plan with the current plan covering the period 2018 – 2021.
The Secretariat works under the International Olympic Committees (IOC) guidelines offered by the ‘Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance of the Olympic and Sports Movement’ as stated in Recommendation 41 of the Olympic and Sport Movement Congress.
It facilitates good governance and clean operations within the frame of the ‘Seven Principles of Good Governance’ or PGG which constitute the following:
The PGG finds direct mention in Core Function 1 of the ONOC Strategic Plan under ‘building and strengthening NOC capacity’ but through Secretariat operations and programmes is delivering on all other Core Functions.
Hence it also delivers against Core Functions 2 to 4 which are:
Core Function 2: Cultivating regional and global partnerships
Core Function 3: Contributing towards sporting excellence
Core Function 4: Leading by example.
NOC Support is designed by NOCs through the ONOC General Assembly and implemented by the Secretariat under the guidance of President, Dr Robin Mitchell and the management of Ricardo Blas, Secretary-General. It is fully supported by Olympic Solidarity funds and its activities are submitted annually through the ONOC annual reports.