Samoan discus thrower Alex Rose says that being a good sportsperson “is not only wanting to win, but wanting to win when everyone else is at their best as well.”
Samoan discus thrower Alex Rose says that being a good sportsperson “is not only wanting to win, but wanting to win when everyone else is at their best as well.”
Alex Rose, Samoa, summed up exactly what it is to be a sportsperson The desire and drive to succeed but also to inspire. A true sportsperson values equality, ethics, respect, and fellowship with their competitors. Athletes from Oceania are encouraging and supportive of others, showing what a true sportsperson is within their sports and throughout their lives.
During events at the Commonwealth Games, athletes from all nations regularly support each other through their triumphs and hardships. Knowing you can count on each other to be there ensures that the journey through the games is successful and enjoyable. But what does sportsmanship mean?
With the Commonwealth Games being known as the ‘friendly’ games, the relationships between athletes in teams shows that true sports individuals do not solely applaud their own success but the success of their opponents. “I want to win when my friends and my competitors are also doing well. It's good to see everyone succeed,” Alex Rose.
No journey as a sportsperson is plain sailing. There are bumps along the road and times where you consider giving up, but resilience is needed to push through and improve. To be considered a good sportsman “Just keep on trying hard and never give up,” Samoan William Hunt. “I think resilience, also commitment, and dedication make a good sports person” Debbie Masauvakalo, Vanuatu Beach Volleyball President.
Supporting each other in times of defeat is a crucial quality to posses. During Fiji’s Rugby 7s finals, both men and women’s teams accepted their defeats and disappointment like true heroes. The men congratulated the South African team, the women the Australian team, with embraces, handshakes, and words of best wishes. Their demonstrations of respect continued when they were awarded their medals, kneeling as each medal was presented. They knelt and clapped three times after receiving their medals, a traditional custom known as "cobo". This made a impression on the crowd as they witnessed their hero’s humble and respectful act.
Accepting defeat gracefully is a quality that many sportsmen and women must develop throughout their careers, “That’s sport, someone wins, and someone loses. I've met a lot of lifelong friends now and got to share the ring with one of the best in the world. The best man won on the day.” Tawhiri Toheriri
A true sportsman or woman can come from anywhere, anyone and irrelevant of circumstances. “A sportsman is humble. Being humble and just acknowledging that the little people bring the competition as well.” Ratu Banuve Tabakaucoro, Fiji.
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The Oceania National Olympic Committees
The BIRMINGHAM 2022 Commonwealth Games
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